Humanize Keap Dates


CRM's standard date formatting isn't the best for communicating with other... Humans. If you'd like a date to be displayed as "March 18th at 3:00pm" instead of "03/18/2015 15:00:00", use this tool.


You are currently viewing this content for Keap.
Humanize Keap Dates is only available on Keap.

Humanize Keap Dates Configuration Options

click image to enlarge

In this section, you will find the options for building your Humanize Keap Dates tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


Convert this "computer-speak" date:

In the drop-down, select the field that you would like to be "translated" from a computer speak date to a "human formatted date".  

If you do not have a field created already, you can create a field by clicking on the plus (+) symbol on the right-hand side of the field selector.  

Then put the human-formatted date in this field:

In the drop-down, select the field that you would like the Human Formatted version of the date stored in.  

Format the date like this:

From the options provided, select the way you would like the "Computer Speak" date to be formatted into "Human Speak". 

Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

FAQs / Tips

Implementation Types


Run your tool virtually anywhere in your campaign using an HTTP post element.

This Tool should be triggered by an "HTTP Post" from Infusionsoft. This can be done using the Campaign Builder's "Send HTTP Post" option found on the left hand side of the sequence builder, under the "Process" section.
Decide where in your campaign you want to trigger this Tool. It can be part of virtually any Campaign Sequence.
In the Campaign Sequence, place a "Send HTTP Post" action where you want to run the Tool.
Use the Tool URL, provided above, in the "POST URL" field of the HTTP Post.
Leave the default "Name / Value Pairs" as is. There should be an entry that looks like this: contactId = ~Contact.Id~
Leave the Merge Fields as is. PlusThis gets all of the data necessary to run from the Contact Id Name / Value pair.
Mark the HTTP Post (and Sequence) as "Ready".
Publish your campaign changes and test! The "Send Test" button in Infusionsoft is not a good way to test PlusThis Tools. Instead, create a test contact record and push that record through the appropriate sequence.

click image to enlarge

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